HGF Golf & Sustainability
17 Ιανουαρίου, 2024 2024-01-18 9:32HGF Golf & Sustainability

Sustainable Golf
United We Make a Real Difference
For hundreds of years’ golf has given rise to social and environmental benefits. Continuing and improving on this tradition is more important than ever at a time when sustainability has become a critical global priority.
The Hellenic Golf Federation focuses on sustainability, recognising the important role golf can play, as a growing international sport, tightly intertwined with landscapes and communities.
Sustainable golf can be widely and credibly embraced across the industry – in the operations of existing courses, the design and construction of new developments, and in the venues and staging of tournaments. Every golf event can be a showcase for sustainability.
Sustainability is a great fit for golf
Environmental and social stewardship has always been close to the heart of golf. A golf course respects its surroundings and honours the natural environment. As a green space, often in the middle of cities or villages, it provides natural habitats and ecosystems, improving the overall quality and treading lightly on natural resources. And fitting into the surrounding communities, golf provides employment, recreation and education.
The Hellenic Golf Federation is an Official Member of the WE4ALL ENVIRONMENTAL ALLIANCE
In recent years, the issue of Environmental Protection has become increasingly important to everyone.
The Hellenic Golf Federation aims at sustainable development by adopting new methods in its golf tournaments and setting goals that are in line with the new era we are going through.
Sustainability is something that is “bearable” and “capable of being continued at a certain level”. Sustain means “give support to”, “to hold up”, “to bear” or to “keep up”.
The longer we wait, the less nature can do, which is the only thing that has the power to heal our planet, if we all help it together.
With great pleasure we announce our alliance with the non-profit environmental organization We4all, to help our planet, and support their great environmental and social work.
We4all is a non-profit Environmental Organization that was created to help Earth heal itself and remind people that this Planet is our home, before it is too late.
We are proud of our Alliance.
Eco-friendly Awards & Sustainable Trophies
We believe the definition of sustainability is evolving, so does our goals.
Awards are given out to honour positive performance.
The Hellenic Golf Federation for showing respect to our earth has used truly unique, eco-friendly trophies and award medals made of wood in the International Junior Golf Championships in the prize giving ceremony, as an eco-message for all young golfers.
Tees for a Green Drive is naturally better
Playing on the most beautiful golf courses in the most beautiful natural areas requires responsible green behaviour.
This includes the use of tees that no longer pollute the courses with environmentally harmful substances.
Worldwide there is an increasing demand for sustainable alternatives. The golf world has already taken important steps to limit the pressure on nature. This requires tees that are eco-friendly so the Hellenic Golf Federation propose to the golf courses tees made of bamboo that are stronger than wood and bamboo is 100% sustainable, or even better tees that are 100% compostable.
The refillable bottles enhance sustainability efforts at the Hellenic Golf Federation tournaments
The Hellenic Golf Federation has started to provide refillable bottles that were made of sustainable stainless steel and utilizing silicone for juniors’ tournaments. One of these tournaments was the Greece – Cyprus Friendship Cup.
This is an eco-message that can help us to fulfil the sustainability mission by providing bottles to help show there are viable alternatives for major events to avoid single-use plastic water bottles.
Water is a critical commodity our societies must conserve and use responsibly. A golf course can demonstrate leadership in sustainable water management in a number of ways, some followed successfully by course managers, others made possible through new innovations.
Greenkeeping for top quality
The greenkeeping team always looking for grasses for a better golf game so they can improve quality and further water savings may be achieved.